Raider news

Here will be posted news regarding Raider’s development, breaking changes, and other relevant information. You can also subscribe to those via our feed.

04 December 2022 - Raider presentation at Chaostreff Potsdam

Come see the first public talk on Raider

04 December 2022 - OWASP Raider v0.3.0 - First Beta Release

Raider is now becoming a beta quality software

14 December 2021 - Raider development continues

Raider was put on pause for the last few months. Now the development will continue.

14 September 2021 - Raider public roadmap

Raider will start maintaining a roadmap with current project goals

14 September 2021 - Raider source moves to new repository

Raider development will continue on OWASP’s Github from now on

09 September 2021 - Raider became an OWASP project

Raider has been accepted by OWASP projects.

31 August 2021 - Launching

Raider now has a new website, and a community forum.